10 Tanggapan untuk "BAB 1. MENGENAL WWW (WORD WIDE WEB)"

  1. Selamat Pagi di hari yang sejuk ini. Semoga Mendapat rezeki yang Halal, MElimpah, dan Berkah. Sukses selalu. semangat terus.

  2. kayanya untuk sekarang WWW gk berpengaruh juga ya

  3. Bukannya www sekarang udah kurang digunakan ya gan??

  4. Are you Binance files/information lost? Do you want to open your lost Binance information/files? Do you know how to find Binance lost files? If no, there is no need to worry at all as you can always get the variety of solutions exchange from the customer care team who are known for resolving Binance errors. They provide best services at affordable price and active round the clock in a week. You can dial Binance customer care number and Binance Support Number get rid of all the queries and find solutions related to your errors from the skilled professionals.

  5. Password is the integral part of the Blockchain account as it helps in securing your account. It is always advised to never share your password and keep it confidential. If you have forgotten your password or want to recover it without any issues, you can call on Blockchain support number which is functional and Blockchain Support NUmber users can contact the team anytime to get fruitful results. Talk to the team and get your answers at your home on a call.

  6. Do you want to take online backup of Gemini wallet? Do you know how to take the online backup? If no, take your phone and dial Gemini support number and attain accessible solutions from the team of executives who have years of experience and deliver opportune support services to the users. They are functional 7 days in a week and handle the users' query Gemini Support Number in a schematic manner and make sure that Gemini exchange users get rid of every error immediately and permanently.
